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Blitz Girls Under Age 16

79Lou, Aileen (30058347)101401PS 775th

Blitz Under Age 13

91Dubey, Shiv (17241381)101699PS 775th
=95Tanaka, Takki (17214690)101683PS 775th

Blitz Girls Under Age 13

31Lou, Aileen (30058347)101401PS 775th

Quick Girls Under Age 16

=69Lou, Aileen (30058347)101599PS 775th
100Kong, Scarlett (30135865)91540PS 774th

Quick Girls Under Age 13

26Lou, Aileen (30058347)101599PS 775th
41Kong, Scarlett (30135865)91540PS 774th
90Cai, Leah (30316463)91342PS 130M4th

Age 10

44Shin, Theodore (30043465)101805PS 115th
49Dubey, Shiv (17241381)101774PS 775th
51Tanaka, Takki (17214690)101766PS 775th
64Lou, Aileen (30058347)101718PS 775th

Age 9

31Lui, Isaac Noah (30138098)91760PS 130M4th
38Kim, Ethan J (30043223)91702PS 774th
42Kong, Scarlett (30135865)91685PS 774th
50Waters, Kai (30383505)91637PS 324th
52Sommerstein, Adrian Harrison (30575100)91616PS 1304th
66Lai, Harry K (30179189)91560PS 774th
69Rosenberg, Alexander (30521251)91554PS 334th
=84Cai, Leah (30316463)91457PS 130M4th
=84Brady, Seamus Francis (30561484)91457PS 1304th
87Anand, Ekam Singh (30047361)91455PS 774th

Age 8

3Xiang, Grayson (30650149)81906PS 1303rd
15Su, Milo (31296341)81736BASIS-B3rd
16Boyer-Olson, Jack (30489449)81730Nest+M4th
63Winter, Hiroki (30358550)81332PS 5273rd
70Totouom Tangho, Joseph Daniel (30601789)81318PS 1663rd
79Zheng, Chloe (30300866)81292PS 773rd
92Seto, Brendan T (30311287)81254PS 2813rd
=96Japharidze, George (30808091)81230PS 103rd

Age 7 and Under

22Goodrich, Sebastian (30799518)61267PS 772nd
27Alanis, Sebastian Emilio (30767814)71224PS 1982nd
32Zhang, Yicheng (31406977)61181PS 771st
53Nicodemo, Amerson (31225529)71058Nest+M2nd
57Harsch, Harrison (30872426)71049PS 1302nd
58Zhang, Jiesen (30710821)71048PS 773rd
73Rosenberg, Conrad (30521311)7978PS 333rd
74Moscona, Harrison (30828002)7977PS 592nd
75Phillips, Maximus A (31312167)7975PS 332nd
98Cho, Julian (31643959)6915Nest+M1st

Girls Age 10

3Lou, Aileen (30058347)101718PS 775th
46Hlamenko, Maria (30750907)101150Nest+M5th
59Long, Penelope (30046991)101069BASIS-B5th
61Ramaswamy, Meira (31077125)101061BASIS-M5th
62Watanabe, Lily (17192938)101053Nest+M5th
90Xu, Serena (30181218)10889PS 335th
=90Chen, Isabella (30811636)10889PS 184M5th

Girls Age 9

10Kong, Scarlett (30135865)91685PS 774th
=14Cai, Leah (30316463)91457PS 130M4th
20Ye, Wanru (30135407)91358BASIS-B4th
24Ho, Ella (30499419)91287PS 334th
30Sirinides, Alice (30629726)91233PS 1304th
57Park, Riyae (30043160)9983PS 105th
64Mcmanus, Frances Lucille (30348983)9961PS 1304th
69Chen, Claire (30541427)9907PS 775th
72Kuruvilla, Mariam (30047105)9894PS 774th
89Kim, Harper I (30109091)9808PS 404th
93Cancio, Corinna Nerisse (30504997)9802Nest+M5th
95Chakravarty, Shloka (30810140)9798PS 594th

Girls Age 8

16Zheng, Chloe (30300866)81292PS 773rd
23Goodrich, Avery (17355875)81175PS 774th
25Shapovalov, Aya (30612505)81152PS 773rd
40Lasher, Phoebe (30378181)8962PS 1663rd
=53Ogilvie, Anna (30984390)8868PS 104th
79Kao, Isabelle Zirong (31540856)8732PS 113rd
87Kou, Michelle (30857574)8706Nest+M3rd
94Tolibova, Shirina (31874944)8673PS 2303rd

Girls Age 7 and Under

42Chiu-Maes, Zadie (30990229)7630PS 1303rd
51Zislin, Dina (31091182)7593PS 332nd
82Kaminsky, Harper (30955564)7443PS 5273rd
=83Mitobe, Airi (31869016)7440PS 772nd
90Shang, Eva (31448047)7423Nest+M2nd
91Jones, Evelyn Rosemary (30757531)7415PS 1302nd
92Boyle, Bronwen (31785581)4409PS 130Kindergarten
95Murphy, Drew Villa (30943218)7361PS 112nd